Dear Parents/Guardians & Students,
GCC Board of Management Meeting – Agreed Report
Please click on the link below to view the Agreed Report from the Glanmire Community College Board of Management meeting on Monday 21 March 2022. Items on the report include: Teaching and Learning, School Policies, School Building, Finance and Risk. We would like to thank the members of our Board for their continued commitment to the school and their interest in ensuring GCC continues to grow and prosper into the future.
Agreed Report for the BOM Meeting Monday 21 March 2022
Diograis Nominations
Each year at this time, the college holds its Annual Diograis Awards Ceremony to honour the many students who have contributed significantly to the life of the college. The word Diograis is an Irish word, meaning effort/endeavour. In acknowledging the efforts and contributions of students who enhance the life of the college in many different ways, we recognise especially excellence and effort in academic, cultural, humanitarian and sporting pursuits. There is a total of 25 awards to be presented in 3 award categories as follows:
- Junior Category Award
- Senior Category Award
- Student of the Year Award
To start the process, we have asked our teachers to nominate students from their class groups who they may wish to be included in the list of nominees. The nominations process will be completed in the run up to Easter. Our annual Diograis awards ceremony is always the highlight of our busy school calendar. It has always been an evening of celebration, where we gather together members of our school community and acknowledge the talents and achievements of our wonderful students. Diograis also provides us with an opportunity to thank parents and staff for the constant support and encouragement they provide. Unfortunately, we will not be able to hold our Diograis awards ceremony this year in its traditional format. We will update you again in the run up to Easter.
Parents Update for Cycle against Suicide and Amber Flag
Please click on the following link for an update on the extensive work being carried out this year to earn the school’s Cycle Against Suicide Award and the Pieta Amber Flag.
Parents Website Update for Cycle Against Suicide and Amber Flag
Friday Morning Tutorial – Safe Internet Month – Lesson 3 Respectful Communication
This morning at Class Tutorial students completed lesson 3 of our Safe Internet programme entitled ‘Respectful Communication’. Please click on the link below to view the content of the lesson.
Safer Internet Day: Respectful Communication – Tutorial 3
Relationships and Sexuality Education – RSE for Leaving Cert Pilot Programme
Parents are asked to note that we will be piloting a Relationships and Sexuality Programme with 6th Years over the next few weeks, starting next week. Details of the programme will be posted to the 6th Year Google Classroom. Please click on the link for further information on the programme:
Relationships and Sexuality Education for Leaving Certificate Students
LEO City Finals
Heather Daly and Caoimhe O’Flaherty, both TY R. Cliona represented the school at the LEO Enterprise city finals in UCC. Cork Schools Enterprise Programme is an enterprise education programme that aims to provide support to second level schools throughout the South Cork region. Heather was awarded best display award on the day, well done to both students!

Heather (left) and Caoimhe (left)
International Soccer – U18 Boys
A huge congratulations to Alex Healy Byrne, R. Cillian in 5th Year who was selected for the National team for the Inspiresport Centenary Shield – Under 18 Boys’ Competition. They played their first game on St. Patricks weekend with with a great start to the campaign by defeating Scotland 2-1. They will play Northern Ireland next followed by England and Wales. The very best of luck Alex from all the students and staff in GCC.

Alex Healy Byrne: Front Row no. 13.
International Soccer – U15 Boys
Another huge congratulations to Cathal O’Sullivan, 3rd year R. Blaithín who is not only the captain of the team, but scored the sides winner versus Wales 3-2 and received the man of the match award. They played 2 games against Wales, the first played on Tuesday last week which Wales won 2-1 and second on St Patrick’s day with the venue in Newport, Wales which Ireland won 3-2. Cathal played a huge part in both games and captaining his country is great a honour and great achievement. Cathal has had great success so far and his future is looking great, well done from all in GCC.

Cathal (captain) with the team front row no. 22 and on the right with Sean St. Ledger receiving his man of the match award.
Supporting my Adolescent – A Post Primary Parent Webinar
Adolescence brings many changes. The brain is very busy preparing for adulthood. There are specific ways parents can support their teens during this time. This webinar will explore how parents can support and guide their teenagers through this time. It will also identify ways that we can make space for emotions and build connections.
The facilitator Nicola Culloty is a primary school teacher with twenty years experience working with parents and children. As Home School Community Liaison she formed an authentic and lasting partnership with parents.
Please click below if you wish to sign up:

Assistive Technology for students
Assistive Technology for students with difficulties with reading and/or writing difficulties and planning and organising. This is aimed at secondary school students with specific learning difficulties that make reading and/or writing difficult (including dyslexia, dyspraxia/DCD, dysgraphia). 5th and 6th class primary school students are also welcome but must be accompanied on the training by a parent/guardian.
One booking covers parent and child.
What will I learn?
- What assistive technology (AT) is.
- Advice on using your computer well to make best use of your Assistive Technology.
- Touch-typing
- File management
- About free reading features on the iPad and on Android devices
- Apps on the iPad and Android devices to help with reading and capturing text from hard copy.
- About a free reading programs for the reading text aloud in a variety of languages (including Irish).
- To adapt the screen to make text more readable.
- To make a sound file (MP3 ) of text (e.g. physics definitions, poetry).
- To use Immersive Reader.
- To use Speechify.
- To use free reading features to assist with proofreading.
- To use free/built in speech-to-text: in MSWord (Dictate), Google Docs (Voice Typing),on your Android device (Live Transcribe) and on your iPad/iPhone (Dictation)
- About using mind maps to plan/structure written work.
- How to get access to electronic learning materials and texts.
- How to claim VAT back on AT and associated IT.
- About DARE (Disability Access Route to Education) and HEAR (Higher Education Access Route)
Registration for Parents: Parents will have to register an account on before booking their place. The parents can choose the ‘Parent’ option as their registration type when registering.
We hope you have a nice weekend.
GCC Senior Management
Ronan McCarthy (Principal), Gertie Cahill (Deputy Principal), Seamus Kennefick (Deputy Principal), Sean McGrath (Deputy Principal)