Dear Parents/Guardians & Students,
Upcoming Calendar Events
- Monday 19 September Board of Management Meeting @ 4.30pm
- Monday 26 September Briefing session for parents of First Years 7.00pm – 8.00pm
- Monday 26 September GCC Parents Council AGM @8.00pm
- Monday 3 October Whole School JCT Day. School closed to students
- Thursday 13 October GCC Open Evening (6.30pm to 9pm). School finishes at 12.30pm for students
- Monday 31 October – Friday 4 November Mid Term Break
Transition Year Programme – Briefing for Parents
Thank you to the large number of parents who attended our TY briefing last Monday. We hope you found it informative and beneficial. Our thanks to Ms. Manning for her presentation to parents. It is important that our TY programme continues to strike the right balance between academic progress and personal development. Teachers have been asked to ensure that programmes of work are followed and that regular homework is provided to students and is always noted in the school journal. We will update parents next week regarding the TY school tour.
French Exchange 2023
Parents are asked to note that the proposed dates for the French Exchange are Sunday 8 January to Friday 13 January 2023. Based on initial feedback, the group will be predominantly 5th year students with a scattering of TY’s. After 2 Covid interrupted years, we are delighted to recommence our exchange with the Ecole Massillon in Paris. Our thanks to Ms Casey for leading the student exchange.
Supervised Study
Supervised study for 3rd & 6th Year students commences next Monday 19 September. Study takes place from 4.05pm to 6.05pm Monday to Thursday and 1.15pm to 3.15pm on Fridays in Rooms B27 & B29. Students who wish to sign up for study are asked to speak with Ms Cahill Deputy Principal.
Meitheal Team
The Meitheal Team have been selected through an application process and have begun their training with An Tobar and Ms, Mc Inerney. Thirty students completed their first day of training yesterday Thursday 15 September. The Meitheal Team work as mentors to the first years and there is a lot of training and organising required before the activities begin. Training continues next week:
Monday 9.35 – 10.55
Friday 10.30- 12.20
Cycle Against Suicide and Amber Flag Committee
Last year GCC was awarded both the Cycle Against Suicide and Amber flag. The flag acknowledges the work of both staff and students in promoting positive mental health in GCC. A team of 14 TY students have been selected to form the student Mental Health Committee. Our students will work with school staff to continue highlighting the importance of positive mental health for all in our school community.
School Car Park
We would like to remind parents again of our entry/exit system to the school car park. A reminder that:
- From 8.30am to 9.10am Monday to Friday the school car park will be entry only. The exit lane from the car park will be closed at these times.
- From 3.30pm to 4.10pm Monday to Thursday and 12.30pm to 1.10 pm on Friday the school car park will be exit only. The entry lane to the school car park will be closed at these times.
We would be grateful if parents could remind students
- to use the pedestrian footpaths and not walk along or between cars when entering/leaving the school
- use the pedestrian gates only and not enter or leave the school via the main gate