Dear Parents and Students,
GCC Open Evening Thursday 26 September 2024
Our GCC Open Evening takes place next Thursday 26 September at 6.30pm with the principal’s address at 8.00pm in the GCC PE Hall. We look forward to welcoming prospective students and their families to GCC to meet our wonderful students and staff and to explore the broad range of subjects we offer in our modern, inviting school campus.
GCC First Year Library Membership Drive
The Literacy Intervention team are delighted to launch the library membership drive for all first year students. All students received information at tutorial this morning on how this will be rolled out. The team will be scheduling library visits once the drive is complete and TY’s will accompany classes on their visit to help support students. A Digital Literacy Workshop will be scheduled after this for students to reinforce their understanding of using the library/digital literacy apps. Thank you for your support in enriching your child’s educational journey.
Please click on the link to view the information letter.
GCC First Year Library Membership Drive
First Year access to the GCC Google Platform
As part of first year induction to GCC students have been busy navigating the VLE (Virtual Learning environment) of Google Platform to enhance their learning. Students will be receiving google classroom codes for different subjects over the next two weeks. Please note first year students do NOT require a mobile phone to access any aspect of their learning in school. Please click on the link to view a supporting document for students when accessing Google Platform.
Navigation of GCC VLE (Google Workspace)
GCC Activities of the Week 5 [Monday 23 – Friday 27 September 2024]
Please click on the link below to view our GCC Activities of the Week for next week Monday 23 to Friday 27 September.
GCC Activities Sept 23-27 2024
GCC Upcoming Calendar Events – September
Thursday 26 September | GCC Open Evening* | 6.30pm |
Monday 30 September | GCC closed for Students & Staff | |
Monday 7 October | GCC AP1-SMT Meeting | 4.00pm |
Monday 7 October | Briefing session for 1st Year Parents | 7:30-8:30pm |
Monday 7 October | GCC Parents Council AGM | 7.30pm |
Monday 7-11 October | Autumn assessments (all year groups) | |
Wednesday 9 October | Oide Staff Training Day – GCC closed for students | |
Monday 21 October | Board of Management Meeting | 4:30pm |
Monday 21 October | Parents Council Meeting | 7:30pm |
*School finished at 12.30pm for all students
Cycle Against Suicide – Webinar Series
Anxiety is one of the most common challenges of childhood and adolescence. This has been reflected in the registrations to and attendee feedback on previous Cycle Against Suicide webinars delivered by Cycle Against Suicide and the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, UCD.
Building on the previous series, Series 2 will take a more in-depth look at anxiety in young people exploring different types of anxiety common in this age group. Each 1 hour session will incorporate content on the causes, symptoms and evidenced-based approaches which support recovery.
September 19th : What is Generalised Anxiety Disorder?
October 10th : Social Anxiety: Why the worry?
November 7th: Understanding Post-traumatic Stress in Children and Teenagers
December 5th: Exploring Perfectionism and Obsessive-Compulsive Characteristics
These sessions delivered via zoom are free and open to all parents and teachers to participate. Register your participation please do so at:
GCC Ski Trip 2026 – Application Form
Glanmire Community College is planning to organize a Transition Year Ski Trip to Italy or Austria in late January/early February 2026. The estimated cost of the ski trip will be in the region of €1450 to €1500 per student. Please click on the link below to view details of the trip and an expression of interest form which is to be returned to our SKI Trip Coordinator Mr Rees by Friday 27 September.
Application Form Ski Trip 2026

GCC Ski Trip 2024
We hope you have a nice weekend.
GCC Senior Management [Ronan McCarthy (Principal), Patrick O Mahony (Deputy Principal) Caroline Byrne (Deputy Principal), Seamus Kennefick (Deputy Principal)]