Dear Parents,
As previously advised, a newly constituted GCC Board of Management will begin its new term in December and the new Board requires two new parent nominees. Please note that 4 parents (2 female and 2 male) emailed back to express an interest in the role. We must now hold an election and give GCC parents the opportunity to vote for the nominee of their choice. Parents must select one male and one female nominee.
As part of the election process, prospective nominees were given the opportunity to provide a brief statement outlining their background and the reasons for their interest in the role. The nominees and the accompanying information can be viewed below as well as a link to the voting process. Please note when completing the link, you will be asked to give the name of your child who is attending GCC and the year group. This is for validation purposes to ensure that only GCC parents vote in the election.
Please note the voting link will be left open until 1pm on Friday 6 December.
Election of Parent Nominees to the GCC BOM
GCC Senior Management [Ronan McCarthy (Principal), Patrick O’Mahony (Deputy Principal) Caroline Byrne (Deputy Principal), Seamus Kennefick (Deputy Principal)]