What does the Student Council do?

The Student Council of Glanmire Community College is a representative body of both Junior and Senior-level students. It acts as a medium of communication between the students, staff and management of the school. It aims to promote an active involvement by students in the running of the school. Our Student Council contributes to the development of school policies and provides students with an active forum from which students may make suggestions regarding matters of general concern to the student body.

The Student Council of Glanmire Community College strives to support students to reach their full potential as active, confident, resilient and responsible learners and as caring citizens. The Student Council strives to promote and maintain mutual respect, fairness and trust between staff and students. The Student Council hopes that students will develop essential skills such as being able to communicate effectively, including the ability to listen attentively, to reach compromise through respectful dialogue and develop leadership in students’ respective areas of interest. The Student Council strives to make a positive contribution to every aspect of the school community. It allows students to have their voice heard, understood and to elicit a response from the Management of the School. The Student Council is an important part of school life and aims to play a significant role in the development of our school.

Who is on the Student Council?

The Student Council consists of the General Student Council and the Executive Student Council. The General Student Council consists of the elected class captain from each of the forty-one class groups in the school. The Executive Student Council consists of ten students from across Junior Certificate, Transition Year and the Leaving Certificate Programmes. The Executive Council and General Student Council is chaired by the elected Student Council President. The General Student Council meets approximately once a month to discuss issues of concern to the general student body with the Staff Liaison Officer. The Executive Student Council meet approximately twice monthly. It is responsible for addressing the issues raised by the General Student Council with Senior Management. Members of the Executive Student Council also represent the school at various functions and events and organise the annual Student Council Concert.

Areas of Relevance to the Student Council

Supporting Student Wellbeing

  • E.g. Supporting Health Promoting School Initiatives – Amber Flag; Positivity Week; Positive Nutrition – Healthy Eating Policy; Physical Activity Culture; Social Events including annual Student Council Concert

Our Learning Environment

  • E.g. Supporting Green Flag events – Care for our school and our community

Our Learning Experiences

  • Review of Policies – Anti-Bullying, Internet Acceptable Use Policy
  • E.g. Learning to Learn
  • E.g. Peer to Peer Support – Study groups

Presentation of a Cheque to Marymount Hospice on behalf of the Student Council of Glanmire Community College

Contact Us

Glanmire Community College, Brooklodge,
Glanmire, Cork T45 W965

Phone: 021 4822377 Email: glanmirecc@corketb.ie
School Roll Number: 76064F

Registered Charity No.20083274

Useful Links:

CAO  |  JCT | NCCA  | Careers Portal  | Curriculum Online  | NEPS  | Department of Education  | GDPR