Dear Parents,

Many parents of new first year students only hear about the HSE second level school immunisation programme in early September. To provide parents with more information in advance, the National Immunisation Office has developed a leaflet for parents of 6th Class children.The information provided in the leaflet below is to inform you of the Health Service Executive (HSE) second level school vaccination programme in 2019/20.

Any queries should be referred to the HSE. Contact details are contained within the leaflet below.

Please click on the link  below to view the leaflet: 



Contact Us

Glanmire Community College, Brooklodge,
Glanmire, Cork T45 W965

Phone: 021 4822377 Email:
School Roll Number: 76064F

Registered Charity No.20083274

Useful Links:

CAO  |  JCT | NCCA  | Careers Portal  | Curriculum Online  | NEPS  | Department of Education  | GDPR