Dear Parents/Guardians & Students,
CAO Offers
We would like to congratulate our students who were offered their courses of choice following the first round of CAO offers yesterday. The results our students achieve on an annual basis allows access to all of the top-end academic courses at 3rd level. With so many of our students achieving in excess of 400, 500 and 600 points, many of our students will gain access to their preferred courses in the 1st round of offers. We look forward to hearing how they progress with their courses.
Supervised Study
Parents are asked to note that supervised study will begin on Monday 19 September 2022. Priority will be given to 3rd and 6th Year students. A link will be sent to students via their email. Once students are accepted a link will be sent to parents via Way2Pay.
GCC Policies
GCC Admissions Policy
With our enrolment process for First Year 2023 about to begin, we must review our Admissions Policy in advance of our Board of Management meeting on Monday 19 September. Please see attached a draft of our updated Admissions Policy.
Please feedback with any comments or suggested amendments through our dedicated email by Friday 16 September 2022. The updated policy will be signed off at the meeting of the Board on Monday 19 September 2022.
9 Sep 2022 Updated GCC Admission Policy – Draft
Child Protection Policy
Please click on the links below to view the mandatory child protection templates which the school must complete and present to our Board of Management at its next meeting on Monday 19 September 2022.
Mandatory Template 1 – Child Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment Template
Mandatory Template 2 – Checklist for Review of the Child Safeguarding Statement
Please feedback with any comments or suggested amendments through our dedicated email by Friday 16 September 2022. The updated templates will be signed off at the meeting of the Board on Monday 19 September 2022.
School Car Park
We would like to remind parents of our entry/exit system to the school car park. A reminder that:
- From 8.30am to 9.10am Monday to Friday the school car park will be entry only. The exit lane from the car park will be closed at these times.
- From 3.30pm to 4.10pm Monday to Thursday and 12.30pm to 1.10 pm on Friday the school car park will be exit only. The entry lane to the school car park will be closed at these times.
We would be grateful if parents could remind students
- to use the pedestrian footpaths and not walk along or between cars when entering/leaving the school
- use the pedestrian gates only and not enter or leave the school via the main gate
GDPR – Students Over 18 Years of Age
Please click on the link below to view a letter sent to students who are over 18 via their email outlining the school’s responsibilities about how we manage their personal data. As a student, who has turned 18, the student must now indicate their willingness to continue to share their personal data with their Parents/Guardians. Students have been asked to read the letter carefully and then to complete a Google Form indicating their decision. Once we process the responses, parents/guardians will be notified by text of their son/daughter’s wishes.
September 2022 Template Letter to Over-18 Students re Sharing Personal Data
Upcoming Calendar Events
- Monday 12th September Briefing Session for parents of TY students @ 7.30 p.m.
- Monday 19th September Board of Management Meeting 7.00 pm.
- Monday 26th September Briefing session for parents of First Years 7.00p.m. – 8.00 p.m.
- Monday 26th September GCC Parents Council AGM @8.00pm
- Monday 3rd October Whole School JCT Day. School closed to students
- Thursday 13th October GCC Open Evening (6.30pm to 9pm). School finishes at 12.30pm for students