Dear Parents,

As was outlined last Friday remote learning resumed this morning at 11am following our virtual staff meeting. We would remind parents and students that nothing can fully replace the face to face interaction of the classroom but we will endeavour to keep students engaged and ensure continuity of learning programmes. It is unrealistic to expect students to sit all day through nine 40 minute online classes but there is an expectation of a reasonable level of face to face interaction in the course of the week. For example, if a class group has 4 periods in the week it would be reasonable to expect online engagement with students for at least 2 of the 4 classes with assignment of work etc. for the other 2. We would like to emphasize some of the following key points with regard to supporting our students’ learning programmes via online learning:

  • Teachers have been asked to keep a log of who is engaging with their online classes
  • Subjects such as PE, CSPE, SPHE and Religion have an important role to play in student well-being.
  • All teachers have been asked to engage with their students including learning support, non-exam subjects and TY’s.
  • Teachers have been asked to assign manageable pieces of work that will take the student approximately 15 minutes to complete.
  • From a GDPR point of view engagement with learners is through our Google platform only.
  • As previously advised it is preferable for students to use a laptop, Chromebook or some other keyboard enabled device to access their learning programmes.
  • Parents are asked to ensure that students are prepared to begin their classes by having their timetables, books and materials ready, their devices charged, and to set themselves up, where possible, in an area that is free from distractions such as TV.

A reminder that:

• All students have been issued with their account.
• Since September teachers will have established a Google Classroom (a virtual classroom) for each of their teaching groups.
• Students should have the relevant access codes and be members of each of their Google Classrooms.
• Each Google Classroom has a Google Meet (Video Conference) function enabled.
• Teachers will use a mixture of online interactive engagement using the live Google Meet function and assignments.
• Teachers are requested to stick to their timetable schedule, in so far as possible.

For any issues please email:

Please click on the following link to view six useful tips to help students with remote learning. Our thanks to the team of teachers from ‘My Brain & Me: The Science of Learning’ short course who have developed this aid for our students.

6 Tips for Remote Learning

GCC Senior Management