Dear Parents,

Monday 8 February 2021

Parents are reminded that, as per our agreed calendar, all teachers will be taking part in JCT subject cluster training on Monday 8 February 2021. This professional development will take place throughout the full school day and consequently, teachers will not available to students.

1st Year Subject Options

Parents of our incoming 1st Year students are asked to note that our Subject Option selection process will begin next week. A link will be texted to you next Monday morning 8 February 2021. A guide to the process will also be available through the school website. The selection process will remain open from 9am Monday 8 February 2021 to 1pm Friday 12 February 2021.

Please click on the following link for advice on how to explore your subject options:

Incoming 1st Year Students September 2021 – A Guide to Junior Cycle Option Subjects 2021 – Glanmire Community College (

Transition Year – Work Experience

A reminder to parents that for week 2 of TY Work Experience starting next Monday 8 February students will enroll in an Online Skills Programme and complete an industry-approved certified course(s).

There are three categories of courses that provide recognised certification on completion. Each course involves 20 hours of online participation and assessment. The categories are Computer Skills, Career Skills and Driving Skills. A school-based platform will help TY coordinators monitor participation and progress.

GCC has taken a license for the full suite of TY courses and has funded students’ participation in the programme. Should students wish to complete all three courses, all courses can be completed at any time up until the end of the academic year.

Completed certificates will be required for inclusion in students’ end of term portfolio. Please click on the link below to see a brief overview of the variety of courses provided during this time.

TY Online Courses Parents Information

February Mid-Term Break

We have been asked about the expected provision of learning programmes for the week of February mid-term. As indicated in our Parents Update last Friday 29 January, the feedback has been that many of our students are finding the volume of work quite over-whelming and would welcome a break. Therefore, we are advising teachers to support students with study plans for revision, rather than assigning additional work and that these study plans would be shared with students before we break for mid-term next Friday 12 February. Parents and students are asked to note that we continue to aim to hold our Pre-Exams in  early March but this will be contingent on public health advice.

GCC Senior Management