Dear Parents/Guardians,
Cork ETB Leaving Certifcate Awards Ceremony
The Cork ETB Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate Applied & Student of the Year Awards Ceremony takes place this evening Friday 16 April 2021. It will be a virtual ceremony. We would like to congratulate the following GCC students whose outstanding achievements in the Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificates Applied programmes are being recognised tonight. We would like to congratulate all the recipients and their parents on their outstanding achievements. We would also like to thank our staff for their continued commitment to providing our students with high quality learning experiences and high quality learning outcomes. This morning we had a short ceremony in school to present our students with their medals and certificates. We are very proud of each and every one of them.
Leaving Certificate Leaving Certificate Applied
Seán Soden Laura Lewandowska
Jack Daly Rachel Walsh
Caoimhe McGuirk Megan Savage
Mia Aisling Furlong Julieanne Noonan
Niall Brenock Colin O’Toole
Muireann O’Connell Robert Walsh
Thamarai Premareji James O’Regan
Nadia Condon Allie Savage
Chloe Kearney
James Healy
Favour Praise Orimolusi
Cian Pierce
Diograis Nominations 2021
Each year at this time, the college holds its Annual Diograis Awards Ceremony to honour the many students who have contributed significantly to the life of the college. The word Diograis is an Irish word, meaning effort/endeavour. In acknowledging the efforts and contributions of students who enhance the life of the college in many different ways, we recognise especially excellence and effort in academic, cultural, humanitarian and sporting pursuits.
The theme for this year’s Awards is Misneach, meaning courage. There is a total of 25 awards to be presented in both Junior and Senior cycle.
To start the process, we have asked our teachers to nominate students from their class groups who they may wish to be included in the list of nominees for a Student of the Year Award or a Category Award. Having gathered the nominations from staff we will endeavour to collate the data in a user friendly manner which will enable us to fast track the selection process. Teachers have been asked to complete the nomination forms by next Friday 23 April 2021. We will update you further once this stage of the process is complete.
3rd Year & 6th Year Assessments
We are providing again for your information links to the assessment schedules for our 3rd and 6th Year students. We will have details regarding the assessment of the other year groups before the end of April.
School Office
With regard to Covid protocols parents are again asked to note that the school office is closed to the public. We are asking parents not to come to the school office without prior notice. Please ring the office with any queries and please continue to email and post documents to the school as a matter of course.
With regard to Covid protocols parents are again asked to note that the school office is closed to the public. We are asking parents not to come to the school office without prior notice. Please ring the office with any queries and please continue to email and post documents to the school as a matter of course.
Return to School
We were delighted to welcome back all our students this week and we thank them again for their cooperation with our Covid protocols. We would like to thank parents for continuing to keep children at home when they are symptomatic or awaiting the results of Covid tests. Even as the national situation gradually improves, it is important that we all continue to be vigilant and maintain our commitment to social distancing, ventilating work areas, hand hygiene and cough etiquette.
We hope you have a nice weekend.
GCC Senior Management
Ronan McCarthy (Principal)
Gertie Cahill (Deputy Principal)
Seamus Kennefick (Deputy Principal)
Sean McGrath (Deputy Principal)