Dear Parents,

As you are aware remote learning is due to resume next Monday 11 January 2021. In advance of engaging with students through our Google platform, it is our intention to hold a virtual staff meeting next Monday morning at 9.30am. Teachers can begin communicating with their students after 11am on Monday morning. Please note we will be asking teachers to engage with students, where possible, during their normal classroom times.

You will recall that schools closed very abruptly last March and teachers, parents and students had to up skill themselves in a very narrow time frame to meet the challenges of remote learning. We are hopeful that on this occasion, with the structures that are now in place, we can get up and running quickly to ensure a meaningful engagement between teachers and students. Parents are asked to note that:

• All students have been issued with their account. For any issues please email:
• Since September teachers will have established a Google Classroom (a virtual classroom) for each of their teaching groups.
• Students should have the relevant access codes and be members of each of their Google Classrooms.
• As mentioned teachers have been requested to stick to their timetable schedule, in so far as possible.

Parents are asked to note also that it is preferable for students to use a laptop, Chromebook or some other keyboard enabled device to access their learning programmes. While mobile phones are sufficient, these type of devices will make it easier for students to engage properly with the functionalities of the Google platform.

We will update you again on Monday following our staff meeting.

GCC Senior Management