Dear Parents/Guardians & Students,
Student Forum
Our student forum commenced last Friday 19 November and continues this afternoon at 1pm with an opportunity provided for our students to discuss their experiences in GCC. Our facilitator Adam Peerbux is available to meet with students from our school who may have experienced discrimination in whatever form. As previously advised to students, staff and parents, this is an initial step in addressing the concerns our students have highlighted. Adam will also begin working with our staff next week and we aim to continue this engagement as appropriate into the new school year.
Christmas Assessments for all other Year Groups
Parents are asked to note that Christmas Assessments for Third & Sixth Years will begin on Monday 29 November until Friday 10 December. The format will be in-class assessments. Details of Assessments and Exams for all other Year Groups are being finalised with teachers, and will be shared with students and parents as part of our update next week.
6th Year PPT Meeting
Parents are asked to note that teachers will finish inputting additional reporting feedback this afternoon. Parents will be able to access this feedback from tomorrow Saturday 27 November. Please click on the link below to see details of how to access your VSware account.
How to Access Your VSware Account.
School Jackets
Ventilation of classrooms has been an important component of our Covid-19 response plan. Students and teachers have been asked to ensure that windows and doors in classrooms remain open to facilitate regular circulation of air in rooms. As we approach the end of the calendar year and the weather gets colder we will still need to ventilate rooms sufficiently. Therefore, as we did last year, students will be allowed to wear their school jacket when in class but it must be a school jacket. Students will not be permitted to wear non-school jackets in class or around the school. If a student chooses not to wear a school jacket it is also appropriate for students to wear layers under their uniforms (for example, skins). On the day that a student has PE they are allowed to wear their school tracksuit. They are also permitted to wear a hoodie inside the school tracksuit but the hood must be kept down when in school. In this way we hope that students are comfortable in school and that we continue to minimise the risk of exposure to infection for all our school community
The Great GCC Christmas Bake Off
The Home Economics department invites staff and students to take part in ‘The Great GCC Christmas Bake Off’. Participants are invited to prepare, bake, decorate and serve a Christmas Yule Log. All Yule Logs must be presented for judging to C3 on December 10 before 9:10am. There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Should you need more information do not hesitate to ask a member of the Home Economics department. Happy baking!!
Sustainable Christmas – Jumper Swap
We are asking students and staff to bring in any old/used Christmas jumpers on Friday the 3rd of December and Monday the 6th of December in the multipurpose room and a ticket will be given (1 ticket per Jumper given). On Wednesday the 8th of December all jumpers will be laid out in the multipurpose room and you may pick out jumpers and redeem your tickets in exchange for a new jumper.
We ask to make sure to wash your jumpers before handing them in! This not only is a bit of fun for the Christmas season it’s also a sustainable way of reducing the amount of waste caused by Christmas jumpers each year! It will be completely Covid friendly as all jumpers will be kept 72 hours in storage beforehand. GCC Greenschools Committee
Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA1)
On Wednesday 5th year students studying hair and beauty from R.Cillian, were fully certified in gel nails which was facilitated by Meraki, a local beauty salon who voluntarily trained our students. They undertook a 4 hour intense workshop. Many thanks to Sarah Curtin, Meraki owner and Louise Keating, salon Manager. This project is part of the LCA Hair & Beauty module.
Cork Colleges Camogie Final
Best of luck to the Senior Camogie team (3rd to 6th years) who will play in the Intermediate Cork Colleges final on Saturday 27th at 11am in the Camogie grounds in Castle Road, Mahon. All supporters are very welcome.

The team training Thursday evening with a warm up on the new hurling wall
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
GCC Senior Management
Ronan McCarthy (Principal), Gertie Cahill (Deputy Principal), Seamus Kennefick (Deputy Principal), Sean McGrath (Deputy Principal)