Dear Parents/Guardians & Students,

As we approach the end of the school year we would like to wish you well for the Summer and thank you sincerely for your support during the past academic year. As always, we are grateful to parents for the unwavering support they provide, which ensures that our students have the best opportunity to flourish in the school. We would like to thank all our teachers for their commitment and professionalism in ensuring our students are continually engaged in quality learning experiences and we would like to thank all in our school community for the care and attention our students receive in GCC on a daily basis.

To the students and families who are leaving GCC we would like to express our gratitude for your contribution over the last 6 Years to our school community. We wish you all an enjoyable Summer break and we hope that you get the chance to relax and an opportunity to recharge the batteries. We look forward to the new academic year in September and a return to the normal patterns of school life. Finally, on behalf of everyone associated with Glanmire Community College we would like to wish all our 3rd & 6th Year students the very best in their State Exams in June.

Parents Information for the 2022-2023 school year is available on the school website home page under latest news. Please click on the following link to access it directly:

2022/2023 School Year – Information for Parents – Glanmire Community College (

Stationery lists for the 2022-2023 school year are also available as a separate post under latest news on the school website home page. Please click on the following link to access the information directly:

2022/2023 School Year – Stationery Lists – Glanmire Community College (

GCC Senior Management

Ronan McCarthy (Principal), Gertie Cahill (Deputy Principal), Seamus Kennefick (Deputy Principal), Sean McGrath (Deputy Principal)