Dear Parents & Students,

Please click on the links below to view access codes for individual teachers and classrooms on Google Classroom and/or Edmodo online learning platforms. Each link begins with a brief graphic/explanation of how to log into a Google classroom.

We would like to thank all our staff for their efforts in setting up online classrooms for our learners, particularly at such short notice. It is important that parents and students recognise that the online facility which teachers are providing is only a tool to help us maintain some connection with our students and to help provide some guidance for their learning during these unprecedented times. It cannot replace the face-to-face interactions and dynamics of the schoolhouse. We should also be mindful that most of us are only learning and developing our understanding of how to use the online facility.

We encourage our students to make the most of the supports that teachers are providing while ensuring we all continue to maintain a positive work/life balance. We appeal to our students to behave responsibly when using our online learning facilities. We will continue to update these links as more teachers provide us with access codes. Our next planned update of the links is next Monday 23 March 2020.

Goggle Classroom Access CodesĀ 

For up to date access codes please access the post “Information for Students and Parents Monday 23 March 2020 ” on the school website




Edco has granted free access to students to their books and Revise Wise series. Please see login information below:

If Leaving CertĀ  students wish to access EDCO books, they can use the following log in at


Our Junior Cycle students can log in to using


For access to the Revise Wise series of books/material:

Step 1:
Step 2: login or register
Step 3: enter the code
JC 9878 – code
LC 6456 – code

Finally please see below information on discounted online tutorials which may be of interest to parents and students:


We will continue to update you as required through the school website and via our text messaging system.

GCC Senior Management Wednesday 18 March 2020