Dear Parents & Students,

We hope you had an enjoyable Easter and continue to stay safe during these difficult times. Please click on the links below to view the most up to date access codes for individual teachers and classrooms on Google Classroom and/or Edmodo online learning platforms. Each link begins with a brief graphic/explanation of how to log into a Google classroom.

We are now beginning our 5th week of online support for student learning. Despite the many difficulties with online learning platforms (as mentioned previously) the feedback from staff, students and parents has been on the whole very positive. Online platforms cannot replace the normal classroom interaction between student and teacher but can, when used appropriately, be extremely useful in providing guidance and making resources available. We must, however, continue to be realistic in our expectations of online teaching. The quality of delivery is affected depending on a number of factors including varying broadband speed in different areas, availability of ICT infrastructure at home (for both staff and students) plus individual IT skills. As a result delivery of content may be inconsistent.

We would, once again, like to remind parents and students about the importance of keeping up to date on all work assignments and we ask you to continue engaging with teachers (as far as is practicable) during normal school hours. Parents are asked to email the school if they don’t have access to mobile devices or if there is a particular reason why their child is not engaging. We will endeavor to offer support through our SEN, Pastoral Care and Management teams. As highlighted in previous updates, parents and students need to be vigilant around the impact of online platforms to daily work routines.

Our online Google Classroom is a very useful means for us to support your child’s continuing engagement in learning. It is important to highlight once again, that access to and use of this platform is a privilege and should be treated with the utmost respect. The terms of use are underpinned by our Internet Acceptable Use Policy and by our Code of Behaviour. Parents are asked to review and discuss your son/daughters online class activity regularly. We are also asking parents to ensure your son/daughter has changed their password, which only they know. You should be aware that any inappropriate commentary or online activity will result in your son/daughters account being suspended and they will be denied access. S/he may also be held solely responsible for the content posted and subject to any actions, as outlined in our policies.

We appreciate that staff, students and parents have been doing their utmost, in exceptional circumstances, to ensure continuity in learning programmes. We will continue to work together to ensure the final term provides as much positive and meaningful engagement for learners as can reasonably be expected.

Goggle Classroom Access Codes

1st Yr_Google_ Classroom_Edmodo_Access Codes_20Apr20

2nd Yr_Google_ Classroom_Edmodo_Access Codes_20Apr20


Google accounts

3rd Yr_Google_ Classroom_Edmodo_Access Codes_20Apr20

TY_Google_ Classroom_Access Codes_20Apr20

LCA1 & 2_Google_ Classroom_Access Codes_20Apr20

5th Yr_Google_ Classroom_Edmodo_Access Codes_20Apr20

6th Yr_Google_ Classroom_Edmodo_Access Codes_20Apr20

Updated Programmes of Work Mr P. McSweeney

Programmes of Work Mr S. Murphy

We will continue to update you as required through the school website and via our text messaging system.

GCC Senior Management Monday 20 AprilĀ  2020