Dear GCC Parents, Guardians & Students,
GCC Díograis Awards 2024
We would like to express our gratitude to all our staff and students who helped to make the Díograis 2024 awards ceremony on Thursday night such an outstanding success. It was a wonderful celebration of all that is best about GCC, displayed through the talent, creativity and imagination of our artists, musicians and singers. So many people contributed in so many different ways and no task was too big or too small. The feedback from staff, students and parents has been overwhelmingly positive with a number of parents taking the time to contact the school yesterday to express their appreciation. A special thank you to past pupil and guest of honour Ciara Revins who spoke to the school community on the importance of hard work, pursuing dreams, and finding gratitude in life’s simplest things.
We look forward to sharing the photographs from the night on next weeks Parent’s Update.

GCC Activities of the week Monday 13 to Friday 17 May 2024
Please click here to view the planned school activities for the week Monday 13 to Friday 17 May 2024.
GCC Review of the week Monday 22 April – Friday 3 May 2024
Please click here to see a review of some of the school the activities that took place from Monday 22 April to Friday 3 May 2024.
RNLI Water Safety Talk
Please click on the following link to view details of an RNLI Water Safety talk which will be held on Thursday 16 May Glanmire Community College from 19.30 – 20.15. The GAA and RNLI work together in a partnership that aims to raise awareness of drowning prevention and to educate communities on how to stay safe in and around water. This is a free event for the Glanmire Community.
GCC Uniform – School Fleece
Parents are asked to note that in consultation with our GCC parents’ and students’ council, school management has agreed to the addition of an optional black fleece to the uniform set next year. Students will be permitted to wear the fleece and/or
the jacket. Parents/students will also have the option of having initials on it.
A reminder that the annual GCC Parents Council Uniform Bank Sale will take place on Tuesday 25 June @ 9.30am. Details of collection will be shared with parents via the school website before the end of term.
GCC Summer Exams
Our GCC House Exams will commence on Friday 24 May as per our agreed calendar. Our Summer Exam timetable has been shared with students. Please click on the links below to view the timetables for each respective year groups.
1st Year Summer Exam Timetable 2024
2nd Year Summer Exam Timetable 2024
LCA1 Summer Exam Timetable 2024
5th Year Summer Exam Timetable 2024
In preparation for the exams, revision guides have been developed to support 1st and 2nd year students focus in the next few weeks. Please click on the links below to view. These are also available in parents section of our website.
1st Year Revision Guide Summer 2024
2nd Year Revision Guide Summer 2024
GCC Upcoming Calendar Events
Date | Event | Note |
Monday 13 May | GCC BOM Meeting | @ 4.30pm |
Monday 13 May | GCC Parents Council Meeting | @ 7.30pm |
Tuesday 14 May | GCC Leaving Cert Graduation | @ 7.00pm |
Friday 24 May | GCC House Exams | 24 – 31 May |
Friday 31 May | GCC Staff Meeting | @ 11.00am |
Wednesday 5 June | State Examinations 2024 | 5 – 24 June |
Tuesday 25 June | GCC Parents Council Uniform Bank Sale | @ 9.30am |
GCC Mobile Phones
Parents are reminded that 1st Year Rang Áine students have been working in a Mobile Phone Free Learning Environment since February. The feedback from teachers and parents has been very positive. Since Monday 15 April, all 1st year teachers have been asked to refrain from using mobile phones for any classroom activity. Teachers at school activities have been asked to email work for 1st year classes to Deputy Principal Caroline Byrne instead of uploading work on Google Classroom or give the work to the students in advance of the class. Some parents may support 1st years in not having a phone at school. Chrome books and computer rooms are available to teachers to book should their lessons require the use of technology.
GCC Student Development Fund 2024/2025 School Year
A reminder to parents that at our GCC Parents Council meeting on Tuesday 19 March, it was agreed to maintain the annual parent contribution to our GCC Student Development Fund at €300 for the 2024/2025 school year. The alleviation of school fees for families of one or more children in the school will also continue. We would like to thank parents for your continued support of the Student Development Fund which allows us to maintain many of the supports we provide annually to our students. These include payments for:
- School Buses
- Junior & Leaving Certificate Pre-Examinations
- Transition Year Activities
- Student Insurance
- School Counselling
- Wellbeing Activities
- Health and Safety Work
- Awards Ceremonies
- Servicing of Equipment
- Staff CPD
- ICT Maintenance and Upgrades
- Building Repairs
- Contract Cleaning
- Print Management
- Upgrading of School Facilities
Once again this Summer we have work planned to develop a GCC Reflection Room/Library, painting of staff and student bathrooms across the entire school and upgrading of our B Block Art Room and PE Office area. This work would not be possible without the consistent support and contributions of parents to the school. As always we will continue to support parents and families that may have difficulty in paying this money. For the 24/25 school year, we will set up the payment facility on Way2Pay in May/June.
Email Communication with Teachers
At our GCC Parents Council Meeting in March, we asked that parents looking to contact teachers, would do so through the school office. We highlighted in particular scenarios where parents attempt to email teachers directly by assuming their email is their name followed by the domain.
Parents are asked to note that the domain is used across the entire Cork ETB (CETB) organisation which has thousands of employees and students. Given that there may be multiple staff and/or students with the same name across the CETB, it is imperative that staff are contacted through the school office to reduce the risk of sensitive information being shared with the wrong recipient. Please email the school office at in the first instance and your email will be forwarded to the correct recipient by our office staff. We appreciate the support of parents in this matter.