Dear GCC Parents, Guardians & Students,
GCC VSware Attendance App
On Monday 27 November the school launched the GCC VSware attendance app which allows parents to submit absence notifications online. We are grateful to parents for the level of engagement to date. Parents are asked to note that:
- You can send a notification to the school via the VSware app (available on the IOS App Store or Android Play Store) informing us that your son/daughter will be absent from school.
- The VSware app sends a notification following the first class period (usually between 9:45 and 10am) to parents whose child has been marked absent from school without a parental notification.
- You can use the app to respond stating that your child is absent from school and why.
- If your child is in school/was dropped off, this will allow us to immediately check and approve his/her attendance, reassuring you.
- If a parent does not respond to the app notification, a text message is then issued a half hour later.
- We will continue to update parents about the system as part of our weekly update, which will hopefully help to reduce any initial errors.
- We would like to thank parents for your understanding and cooperation as we work to improve our attendance monitoring procedures.
Parents who have not downloaded the app are kindly asked to do so as a matter of priority.
GCC Subject Choice Seminar for Incoming 1st Year Students (Sept 2024)
A reminder that our subject choice seminar for incoming 1st Years (September 2024) takes place next Monday 4 December @ 7.30pm in the B Block Social area. Please click on the link below for directions.
Senior Cycle Redevelopment Information Note | Issue 1
Please click on the following link to view an information note from the Department of Education regarding Senior Cycle Redevelopment including Transition Year.
Senior Cycle Redevelopment Information Note
5th Year Pupil/Parent/Teacher Meeting [PPTM]
Our 5th Year PPT meeting takes place in person on Wednesday 6 December, from 4.15pm to 6.45pm. Information regarding registration and seating plans will be shared with parents via the school website on Tuesday. 5th year students will be spoken to prior to Wednesday and reminded about the procedures.
A reminder to parents that on Thursday 7 December, PPT online meetings will be held for two individual subject groups, DCG and Geography. These two subjects will not be part of the Wednesday in person meeting
Parents, students and teachers will be asked for their feedback on the online process following the meeting on Thursday and this will be shared with all stakeholders before school management make a decision regarding the format of the 4th Year PPTM on Monday 22 January.
Parents are reminded that classes for all students will finish at 3.35pm next Wednesday to facilitate the start time of our 5th year PPT meeting.
Cineáltas – Anti Bullying
Please click on the link below to view a letter from Minister of Education Ms Norma Foley TD regarding the Cineáltas Action Plan to address and prevent bullying. As part of the implementation of Cineáltas the DE will be publishing updated Cineáltas procedures for schools to prevent and address bullying in the coming months with training being made available for all school staff, parents and board of management members.
Cineáltas – Letter from Minister of Education Ms Norma Foley TD
Safe Routes to School – Topographic Surveys
The school received notification today Friday 1 December from the Infrastructure Officer of the Safe Routes to School programme, that topographic surveys to inform the detailed design phase of the Safe Routes to School proposals at our school will commence on Monday 4 December. This is the next step in a process which began in early 2022 to increase safety at the access point to the school on Hazelwood Road.
GCC Christmas Lights
Our GCC Christmas Lights were installed on Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 November. Please click on the following links to view some of the different locations around the school:
GCC Multi – Purpose Room B26 External

GCC B Block Social Area
GCC Instagram
Please note that the school now has an active and thriving Instagram account where you can follow all the extra curricular activities and achievements of our staff and student bodies. The Instagram account can be followed by searching for @glanmirecc.
International Day for Persons with Disabilities
GCC will be marking International Day for Persons with Disabilities on Monday 4 December 2023. The theme for IDPD is “My Life our Community” and the colour theme is purple. There are various events and activities scheduled for the day as well as a fundraising cake sale for The Crann Centre organised by 4th Year student Hannah O’ Reilly for 1st Year and TY students on Tuesday 5 December. Please see below a link with details of the events taking place to mark International Day for Persons with Disabilities
We are looking for staff and students to wear purple. Please note that students will still be required to wear their full school uniform and the purple is in addition to their school uniform.
Congratulations to GCC 5th Year student Alexander Meek (Rang Beibhinn)
Congratulations to GCC 5th Year student Alexander Meek (Rang Beibhinn) who recently graduated from NUIG with a level 6 Certificate in Youth Leadership and Community Action.
GCC Christmas Exams 2023 Timetable
Parents click on the links below to view the timetable for the 2023 Christmas Exams:
GCC 1st Year Christmas Exams 2023
GCC 2nd Year Christmas Exams 2023
GCC 5th Year Christmas Exams 2023
GCC Activities of the Week Monday 4 December to Friday 8 December 2023
Please click on the link to view the planned activities for the week beginning Monday 4th December 2023: GCC Activities of the Week Monday 4 to Friday 8 December 2023
GCC Review of the Week
Please click on the link to view a review of some of the school activities that took place: GCC Review of the Week Monday 20 to Friday 24 November 2023
GCC 6th Year RSE Programme
Please click on link below to view details of an upcoming event at Glanmire Community College that aims to provide valuable information and opportunities for discussion on crucial aspects of Sexual Health and Relationships for our 6th-year students.
GCC 6th Year RSE Programme – Letter for Parents
School Car Park
We would like to thank parents for their continued cooperation with our entry/exit system to the school car park. A reminder that:
- From 8.30am to 9.10am Monday to Friday the school car park is entry only. The exit lane from the car park will be closed at these times.
- From 3.30pm to 4.10pm Monday to Thursday and 12.30pm to 1.10 pm on Friday the school car park will be exit only. The entry lane to the school car park will be closed at these times.
We would be grateful if parents could remind students
- to use the pedestrian footpaths and not walk along or between cars when entering/leaving the school
- use the pedestrian gates only and not enter or leave the school via the main gate
We kindly ask parents who are collecting their children from our school to be aware of parking their vehicles in appropriate areas. For example, we ask parents not to park up on footpaths. We are aware of some cars taking up the whole footpath, leaving no space for either our students or members of the public to walk freely by and limiting the access of wheel chair users. We thank you for cooperation in ensuring added safety for our students when accessing the school grounds.
GCC Information Briefing for Parents on the CAO Process
Following a request from our GCC Parents Association the school will hold an information session on the CAO process on Thursday 14 December at 7pm in B26 (Multi – Purpose) room.
Middletown centre for Autism – Training for Parents
The final training session for parents takes place in the Glanmire parish centre from 11am-1pm on Tuesday 5 December:
- Tuesday 5 December – Autism and reframing behaviour
Link for registration below:
Parents: Package – Middletown Centre For Autism (
The Laura Brennan HPV Catch – Up Vaccination Programme
Please click on the following link to view a letter with information about the Laura Brennan HPV Vaccination Catch up Programme. The HSE is offering young people the chance to protect themselves from HPV, by receiving the HPV vaccine, if they were not already vaccinated. The HPV vaccine protects against the human papilloma virus which is linked to several types of cancers. Most students will require only one dose. Those with underlying medical problems and weakened immune systems may require more than one dose. The vaccine is free and the programme will run until the end of 2023.
The Laura Brennan HPV Catch- Up Vaccination Programme
Details of HPV Catch Up Clinics for November/December 2023
GCC Upcoming Calendar Events
Date | Event | Time |
Monday 4 December | GCC Incoming 1st Years 2024-2025 Subject Choice Seminar | 7:30pm |
Wednesday 6 December | GCC PPT Meeting 5th Years | 4:15pm-6:45pm |
Thursday 7 December | GCC PPT Meeting 5th Years Online – 2 Subjects DCG & Geography | 4:15pm-6:45pm |
Monday 11 December | GCC AP1 – SMT Meeting | 4.00pm – 5.00pm |
Thursday 14 December | GCC CAO Information Session for Parents | 7.00pm |
Fri 15 – Fri 22 December | Christmas Tests | |
Monday 8 January | GCC reopens following the Christmas break | 8.50am |
Monday 8 January | GCC Board of Management meeting | 4.30pm |
Monday 8 January | GCC Parents Council meeting | 7.30pm |