Leaving Certificate Results 2020
GCC is delighted with our overall Leaving Certificate 2020 results. The college continues to improve its overall outcomes and this year’s results were of an exceptionally high standard. At the upper end of the results 25 students achieved over 500 points, with 12 exceeding 550 points. Congratulations to Sean Soden who achieved the maximum 625 points and to Jack Daly, who also achieved over 600 points. We were also delighted with our LCA results, where 75% of our students achieved Distinctions, which is the highest grade awarded.
This year’s results once again confirm the commitment, endeavour and expertise of our teachers, S.E.N. Department and Pastoral Care team of Year Head, Class Tutors, Guidance Counsellors and Chaplain. The Class of 2020 has responded exceptionally positively in difficult circumstances. We thank all our graduates of 2020 for their leadership of the school. They have led with good humour, integrity and hard work. They have maintained and furthered the high standards set at Glanmire Community College not just in the academics but also across the artistic, sporting and cultural pursuits of school life. We wish each of our graduates and their families every best wish for the future. We are very proud of your contribution and legacy to our school.
We wish all our students well as they await their CAO offers.
Photographs of Leaving Certificate 2020 Students who achieved over 550 points:

Students: Sean Soden, Jack Daly, Mia Furlong, Caoimhe McGuirk, Niall Brenock, Muireann O’Connell, Thamarai Premareji, Nadia Condon, Chloe Kearney, James Healy, Favour Orimolusi and Cian Pierce.