After School Supervised Study

Dear Parents & Students,

Supervised Study will be available in GCC for the term September to December 2019

Start date: Tuesday 24 September 2019

Finish Date: Wednesday, 11th December 2019

Fee: The fee for this period is €150.00

Study times: Monday to Thursday 4.05pm to 6.05pm.
Friday 1.15pm to 3.15pm

Study Rules:

• The college code of conduct applies (see student journal)
• Study commences at 4.05pm/1.15pm sharp. Anybody arriving after this time will not be admitted without a note from parents/guardians – punctuality must be adhered to.
• Pupils will not be allowed to leave study early except in the most exceptional circumstances and with written permission from parents/guardians.
• A roll will be taken each evening. Parents/guardians can check attendance by contacting the school. You must have a note if you cannot attend on a particular day.
• Pupils are expected to have all materials required with them in the centre.
• Study will take place in silence.

Failure to observe these rules and to follow teacher’s instructions may lead to study being withdrawn from the pupil involved. In such cases, fees paid will not be refunded.

If you are interested in availing of the above, please complete an application form which can be got in the school office. Please note that in applying for a place, you are agreeing to abide by the study rules. Supervised Study can be paid online on our Way to Pay system. Parents can log on at Your log in is your mobile number in the format 35386xxxxxxx. Your Password is the same unless you have changed it previously. Please contact Way to Pay helpdesk if you are having problems with the system, (01-8041269). You can also pay by Bank Draft/Postal Order made payable to Cork ETB. Places are limited to 75 and will be offered to 6th and 3rd year students initially on a first come first served basis. Any remaining places will be offered to other year groups.

Please Note: There will be no Supervised Study on the following days:

October: Wednesday, 2nd October due to Staff Meeting
Thursday: 10th Oct due to Open Evening
December: Tuesday, 3rd December due to Staff Meeting